Friday, May 9, 2008

An introduction

Really, I would love to start this off with an amazing greeting of some sort that would permanently hook you into reading my essays. But, alas, I lack any idea on how to introduce myself to you, my (hopefully) soon-to-be loyal reader. So, on with the drudgeries of getting to know who the hell is writing all this.

You can call me Tam, and I’m from lilol’ Delaware, USA. I live with my mom, step-dad, half-sister and two dogs. I’m not really on great standing with my parents, and desire to move out ASAfriggin’P. My favourite colour is black, and my taste in music ranges from hard rock to heavy metal. I I'm in the mood and have access to it, I sometimes listen to calypso, reggae and salsa y merengue. Random, no? I love to cook and bake, and that's my intended college field (Culinary/Pastry Arts). My friends describe me as creepy, morbid, pessimistic, strange, freaky, and the like. There's not much else to tell. Name, music, family, colour, friends. Anything I really missed?

If you ever have questions or comments, feel free to leave them on the comments section pertaining to that essay. However, if you feel anything could turn into an extended discussion, just between me and you, instead of cluttering up the comments section, email me at
Thanks for checking out my post!


Esque said...

*rolls around and marks the post*

This is my rolling spot, don't touch!

The Hatter said...


Grotesque, you are weeiiiiiirrdddd.

LoveWithoutLove said...

LOL, so what does that make you? Not normal, for sure. xD

The Hatter said...

:lol: I never said I was! XD

Persephone said...

Well! this sounds like a good blog.
I take it you like Alice In Wonderland.